Chris Yeung專欄編輯推介

Weak sports culture needs a boost


By Katy Tsang, Doris Ching, Sara Cheng, Fiona Chow and Vanessa Chui –

From the age of six, or even earlier, we are spoon-fed with the idea that sports is good for health. But a survey conducted by Chinese University scholars found more than six out of 10 Hong Kong people have little, or even none of, sports in the past six months. Why?

Busy. Busy. Busy. Hong Kong people are just too busy. Sorry, no time. That was the answer given by about 52 per cent of respondents in the CU survey. The lack of time, they said, was also the biggest obstacle for them to do more physical exercises regularly. Of  the 71 cities polled, Hong Kong scored another first. This time it’s not something to be proud of.

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