

中美貿易戰仍然膠著,有「刁王」之稱的美國總統特朗普,在英國倫敦召開的北約成立70周年特別峰會,提及中美協議不設限期,等到下年11月舉行的美國大選之後達成協議或更好。他又指出,中國正經歷57年來最差的一年 (China has the worst year by far that they’ve had in 57 years)。

Pres. Trump: “The China trade deal is dependent on one thing: do I want to make it. because we’re doing very well with China right now. And we can do even better with a flick of a pen. And China’s paying for it. And China has the worst year by far that they’ve had in 57 years. So we’ll see what happens, but we’re doing very well right now. And I gave the farmers, as you know, 28 billion dollars and had a lot leftover because the farmers were targeted by China. I gave them 28 billion dollars over a two year period, and that got them whole. That was everything that China took out I gave them from the tariffs that China paid us. And I had billions left over. Many billions left over.”

Q: “So you don’t really have a deadline?”

Pres. Trump: “I have no deadline, no. In some ways, I think it’s better to wait till after the election. You want to know the truth? I think in some ways it’s better to wait till after the election with China, but I’m not going to say that. I just think that. I just tell you. In in some ways, I like the idea of waiting till after the election for the China deal, but they want to make a deal now and we’ll see whether or not the deal is going to be right. It’s gotta be right.”



特朗普口中的「57年前」即1962年,當年是中共社會運動「大躍進」(1958-1960) 引發的三年大饑荒最後一年。中共領袖毛澤東在1962年9月的八屆十中全會,指「大饑荒」源於「自然災害」。後來史稱「三年困難時期」,有學術研究指,當年有多達4500萬人餓死,但官方從未認同相關說法。



