


美國只有兩位總統被彈劾,分別是1858年的安德魯詹森(Andrew Johnson)與1998年的克林頓(Bill Clinton),但兩者都沒有被免職。



民主黨提出的兩項彈劾指控,均圍繞特朗普在烏克蘭「通話門」中的行為。特朗普涉嫌與烏克蘭政府交換利益,拖延軍事援助,以換取對方調查他在大選中的主要對手拜登(Joe Biden)。


President Trump: “The impeachment is a hoax. It’s a sham. It started a long time ago, probably before I came down the escalator with the future first lady started a long time ago. And when you look at the AIG report and you look at these horrible FBI people talking about we got to get them out, insurance policies, you know, the insurance policy is just in case she loses, meaning crooked Hillary, who’s crooked is a three dollar bill just in case Crooked Hillary loses, we’ve got an insurance policy. Well, we’ve been going through the insurance policy now for three years, and it’s a disgrace.”

特朗普回應時指出,彈劾騙局早在與「未來第一夫人」落扶手電梯之前發生(It started a long time ago, probably before I came down the escalator with the future first lady started a long time ago.)。

特朗普提及的「落電梯」,意指2015年6月,特朗普站在紐約特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)的扶手電梯上徐徐而下,宣布參選2016年總統選舉。當年外界認為是政治娛樂趣聞,亦成為美國政治史上的經典畫面。
