
再有美議員斥 民主黑暗一天(全文)

美國國會眾議院民主黨領袖佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)就雙學三子被改判入獄事件發表聲明,指裁決是中國違威脅一國兩制承諾的最新證據,並形容17日裁決的一天,是「民主黑暗的一日」(dark day for democracy)。佩洛西是繼眾議院議員Chris Smith 及佛羅里達州聯邦參議員Macro Antonio Rubio發表聯合聲明後另一位發表聲明批評上訴庭裁決的美國政界人士。佩洛西說批評,法庭的裁決使爭取普選的民主抗爭者未來年無法參與競選,是以「不公義和卑劣」的手段阻止港人對民主的追求,她認為法院的決定過份(egergious),3子入獄撼動世界的良心」(shock the conscience of the world)。她重申美國道德上有責任就不公義事件發聲,即使與華有貿易來往,也不應因此而禁若寒蟬。


Pelosi Statement on Unjust Re-Sentencing of Joshua Wong and Other Hong Kong Democracy Activists

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement after Hong Kong democracy activists Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow were unjustly re-sentenced to six, eight and seven months in jail, respectively, for their leadership of the pro-democracy “Umbrella Movement” of 2014:

“Today’s re-sentencing of Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow should shock the conscience of the world.  This egregious decision – which disqualifies these champions for universal suffrage from running for elected office for five years – is an unjust, underhanded attempt to shut down the legitimate democratic aspirations of the people of Hong Kong.  This injustice offends the basic notions of freedom and democracy, and deserves the swift and unified condemnation of the international community.

“Throwing Joshua and the leadership of Hong Kong’s democratic movement in jail on charges for which they have already served sentences is the latest evidence that China has failed to live up to the promise of ‘one country, two systems.’  Since the Umbrella Movement so bravely led by Joshua and his fellow activists, China has accelerated its human rights crackdown and abandoned any pretense of honoring its pledge of sovereignty.  Yet, despite China’s barrage of attacks on the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, it is clear that the democracy movement will continue stronger than ever.  Acts of cruelty and intimidation can never defeat the dreams of universal suffrage, liberty and justice.

“America has a moral duty to speak out against such injustices, because if we do not stand up for human rights in China because of economic concerns, then we lose all moral authority to talk about human rights in any other place in the  world.  On this dark day for democracy, we send our strongest support and solidarity for Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow and all those who aspire for a more hopeful, free future for Hong Kong.”