
黃德源: 從 Swatch 到 iPANDAS


本周周會將於 2/2/2016 (星期二) 舉行,由IPS傳藝公關廣告公司董事黃德源先生主講,題目為「從 Swatch 到 iPANDAS」,歡迎全校師生及教職員參加。


題目:從 Swatch 到 iPANDAS
日期:2016年2月2日 (星期二)
時間:下午 2:45 – 4:45

Title: From Swatch to iPANDAS
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Peter Wong
Managing Director, Integrated Publicity Services
Date: February 2, 2016
Time: 2:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Venue: Lady Lily Shaw Hall

MR. PETER WONG is a graduate of Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Journalism and Communication. After his study, he joined the advertising field with great success. In 1990 Peter founded Integrated Publicity Services (IPS) the first integrated agency in Hong Kong that offered both public relations, advertising & other below the line marketing services. His company, IPS started public relations and advertising in China in 1993 with the launch of Swatch in Beijing. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the company in 2015 Peter created a character iPANDAS which aims to bring happiness & raise funds for good causes . Peter Wong has been named as one of the ten most influential “Sina weiboers” in Hong Kong in 2011.