
3 Psychological Reasons why you are addicted to Facebook

With the latest launch of the feature “Going Live” on android smartphones, Facebook has provided more social networking options for users and thus become so much a part of our everyday life. Yet, are you aware that you are spending more and more time on Facebook and have become detrimental to your work, your studies or even social life? If your answer is “Yes”, you are prone to Facebook addiction.


But, have you thought about why are you addicted to Facebook? Below are three common reasons that might apply to your situation.


1/ Procrastination

One of the Facebook feature enhance your tendency to procrastinate – an infinite scroll on newsfeed. No matter how far you scroll down, there is always more memes and status updates from your friends to keep your eye on with Facebook. Just then you already fall into the vicious circle of procrastination: you got distracted from whatever you should be doing but you keep on scrolling.


What should you do?

Instead of taking Facebook as a social tool to kill time, think it as an enemy of your productivity. Does it sound less tempting now, eh?


2/ Loneliness


Over-sharing can be a symptom of loneliness. Take a look on your Facebook wall, Think about it: Do you really need to tell everybody what you ate for breakfast? Indeed, you don’t share such trivial matters to add value to other’s lives. You’re doing it just because you’re lonely and desperate for attention.


What should you do?

Instead of using Facebook as your personal reality TV show that display your daily life, try to limit down your post per day. If you are bored and lonely, make a phone call or go for a walk. Trust me, it feels much better.




Fear Of Missing Out (a.k.a. FOMO) is a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. Facebook easily demolish your focus by constantly preying on your FOMO. You check your newsfeed during a family gathering, because you don’t want to miss any updates from your friends. You check your Facebook inbox while you are having a date, because your siblings might have something interesting to tell you. These possibilities are endless, yet are they worth it to keep checking your Facebook every minute? If you think so, you could be suffering from FOMO.


What should you do?

Simple. Turn off your phone while you are involved in a social activity. You SHOULD be enjoying the moment in reality.


Guys, it’s time to break our addiction and enjoy the company of the people right beside us. If you agree to what I am saying, do share and pass it along on Facebook! (Sounds sarcastic, huh?)