
3 Fun Facts About Kiwifruits

With the high vitamins and antioxidants content, kiwifruit is always an option for people who seek nutrition and health benefits. But have you ever heard about these little facts inside the tiny fibrous fruit?

1/ The origin of the fuzzy fruit

Many may think Kiwifruit is native to New Zealand. Yet, the fact is that it is native to China. The cultivation of this precious fruit was not spread from China until the 20th century. This is also why this greenish-brown fruit was once widely called as Chinese gooseberry among the European countries.

2/ The kiwi-ish name of the juicy fruit


The name of the widely grown fruit is actually a reference to the national symbol of New Zealand – Kiwi, the flightless bird. It is the New Zealand growers who began to call this nutritious fruit “kiwifruit” just to make it more appealing to the world.

3/ The secret benefit behind the unappealing skin

Although the hairy skin of Kiwifruit might appear unappetizing, it is actually edible and is rich in dietary fibers, antioxidants and even flavonoids, a substance which is scientifically proven in preventing cardiovascular diseases and tumour formation. In addition, the skin also combats dreaded bacteria like Staphylococcus and E-coli and clear toxins out of your intestines. Next time, you may want to try eating the whole kiwifruit together with the skin just for more health benefits !


Did you know… According to a recent research done by Taipei Medical University, the high serotonin content of kiwifruit helps regulate human sleep cycle, improve sleep onset and sleep efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances.