

港大校長馬斐森接受蘇格蘭傳媒《蘇格蘭報》訪問時,就10間大學校長發表《大學校長聲明》作出澄清,他解釋稱「我從來沒有說過討論港獨是濫用言論自由」”I have at no time said that discussion of Hong Kong independence is an abuse of freedom of expression”

他再解釋指,相關聲明分為二部分,第一部分是針對「仇恨言論」(hate speech),如:關於一名年輕人自殺,”one of which referred to a young man’s suicide” ,即針對教育局副局長蔡若蓮喪子的冒犯性標語;第二部分是重申他與其他校長作為校園領袖不支持「港獨」的立場 “The second part of the statement restated a position that I and other universities have taken before, that as institutional leaders we do not support Hong Kong independence” 與聲明所譴責的「最近的濫用言論自由的行為」,與對港獨的立場不能混為一談。

他同時批評外交扭曲他的意思,稱「有時候不同政治陣營為求達成他們的目標及意圖,會把同樣的字眼曲解成不同意思」。”Sometimes different political camps here exploit the same words or events to mean different things according to their own aims and wishes”
