


近幾周的社會運動,空前浩大,標誌著香港人為這片我們熱愛的土地,努力發聲。 當中參與者有許多年輕人。對於青年勇於表達意見,爭取理想與公義,本校一貫欣賞支持。可是,七月一日示威者衝擊立法會的場面,確實令我們感到心憂神傷。




A letter from Dr Hu Fai-chung, HKSYU’s Deputy President

Dear students and colleagues,

Over the past few weeks, Hong Kong has witnessed a social movement of a scale so
unprecedented that it demonstrates the people’s deep love for this city.

Among them are many youngsters. We have always been appreciative and supportive of their willingness and courage to speak out and work for their ideals and justice.

However, the scenes of protesters storming the Legislative Council on July 1 have left us with great worries and sorrow.

We hope that different sectors of society can show an open mind and flexibility, leave any prejudices behind, and commit to dialogue as we seek a way out for Hong Kong from the quagmire that it is in.

Violence is never the solution to any issue. Moreover, in the current climate, we must go beyond the mere repetition of standpoints or easy finger pointing, for they do not even begin to address the fundamental issues at stake.

We hope that our students can live their youth to the full, and make decisions that are beneficial to themselves and the community, in keeping with Shue Yan’s motto of “Cultivating the virtue of benevolence, as one seeks to broaden their horizons and knowledge” (敦仁博物).

HU Fai-chung

5 July 2019