
仁大:加強支援 增隔離區域助宿生 一起抗疫





做好本份 守望相助 一起抗疫





有鑑於每日確診及初步確診新冠病毒人數不斷上升, 社會資源及公營醫療系統不堪負荷,為了進一步保障大學上下的健康安全,我們將實施以下的措施,希望各位配合。

1. 大學已再次啟動抗疫協調小組,負責就初步確診及確診的在宿師生聯絡政府部門跟進,提供醫療及心理等多方面支援、及時發放訊息,統籌校園衛生清理等工作。電話熱線為25707110。

2. 大學已搜購了一定數量的快速測試包,派發給有需要的留宿同學。同學若出現感染徵狀,請主動通知宿舍管理部,以便跟進有關安排。

3. 校方已在宿舍舍堂內劃出專屬樓層,供初期確診的在宿同學使用。此舉是為了在醫療建議許可情況時,初步確診在宿同學,在等候政府隔離安排期間作暫代自我隔離用途。此樓層的衛生清潔會頻密嚴謹,入住的同學請遵照有關使用設施的規定。至於其他在宿同學,務請理解及配合大學安排。

4. 我們在此呼籲,繼續留宿的同學在此嚴峻時刻,注意個人衞生,在公共區域必須時刻佩戴口罩減低感染風險,減少群聚活動及保持社交距離。



 (Letter from the Deputy President: Let’s do our parts, support each other and fight the pandemic)

Let’s do our parts, support each other and fight the pandemic

Dear students, faculty, and staff,

Hong Kong’s onslaught of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to the community. During this critical period, we must have faith and support one another to navigate through this difficult time.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the University has adopted online teaching and conducted online examinations and assessments in a bid to reduce the flow of people and face-to-face contact, so as to minimize the risks of infection for our staff and students.

In response to students’ various needs and demands, the University also accepts hall withdrawal applications. To date, more than 300 students have decided to move out. The school understands that the housing situation and circumstances for each student varies and that remaining in residence halls could be beneficial to them, their families and well-being. In line with Shue Yan University’s vision of whole person education, hall life and learning as integral components of tertiary education, the University respects students’ choices and therefore will not push or encourage residents to leave. Taking note of the aggravating pandemic situation, our Hall Management Unit has issued a circular earlier on matters requiring attention for students who have remained.

With the rapidly surging daily COVID-19 infections and preliminary positive cases in mind, as well as the community’s increasingly strained resources and public healthcare system, we ask for your cooperation in this challenging time as the University seeks to roll out the following measures to further protect the health and safety of members of the school.

1. The University will bring in once again the Anti-Epidemic Coordination Team, which is responsible for liaising with relevant government departments to follow up on preliminary positive and confirmed COVID-19 cases of students and staff, provide medical and counselling support, disseminate timely information, and coordinate campus disinfection measures. The Team can be reached via the designated hotline at 25707110. 

2. The University has procured a number of rapid COVID-19 test kits and will distribute them to hall residents in need. If you have detected symptoms of COVID-19, please reach out to the Hall Management Unit for follow-up arrangements.

3. The University has designated a temporary self-isolation floor in residence halls for students who have tested positive or preliminary positive for COVID-19 and are pending admission to government isolation facilities under the condition that medical advice is available. The designated floor will undergo frequent and strict disinfection control and residents are strongly advised to follow guidelines on the use of hall facilities. As for other students, we ask for your understanding and cooperation with the University’s arrangements. 

4. We urge students remaining in halls to maintain personal hygiene at this critical time, keep masks on in public areas to reduce infection risks, as well as minimize group gatherings and maintain safe social distances.

We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant challenges as it continues into the third year. With the rapid spread of the coronavirus during the current fifth wave COVID-19 outbreak, and as social resources and public well-being come under increasing pressure, we must all do our parts and stay confident. Importantly, we must not fret, but support one another and maintain a positive mindset during the fight against COVID-19. The University will spare no effort in providing support in all ways possible, please take care and stay safe.

Hu Fai-chung
18 February 2022