


Friends from the domestic and international media. Thank you for your patience.


Today, the Taiwanese people have used their ballots to make history. We have now experienced the third transition of political power. For the first time, there has also been a transition of Taiwan’s legislative majority. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the people that went to the ballot box today and casted their sacred vote. Regardless of how you voted, the exercise of democratic expression was the most important meaning of this election.


In 2016, through our democratic elections, we have yet again showed the world the pride of being a democratic country and how proud we are as Taiwanese. Our message to the international community is that democracy, as a value, is deeply engrained in the Taiwanese people. Our democratic way of life is forever the resolve of Taiwan’s 23 million people.


I would also like to thank my two admirable opponents: Chairman Eric Chu from the KMT and Chairman James Soong from the PFP. I want to thank them for showcasing the spirit of our democracy and letting this election run smoothly. Although we have battled each other during this election, their critique and suggestions will now serve as motivation for me to work harder and be better.


I believe that further to competition with each other, political parties can work together. In the interim between the new legislature and the presidential inauguration, the DPP will maintain closer communication and consultations with the current government, in accordance with the constitutional framework. We will support the government in maintaining political stability and normalcy in the transition period.


We also look forward to working with the main political parties to establish a framework for discussing major policies. We will put political polarization behind us and look forward to the arrival of an era of ‘New Politics’ in Taiwan.


We would like to also thank all the voters that voted for Tsai Ing-wen, Chen Chien-jen, the DPP, and our legislative candidates. Thank you for helping the DPP stand up again and for again entrusting us to govern this country.


For me, this is not just about an election victory. The results today tell me that the people want to see a government more willing to listen to the people, a government that is more transparent and accountable, and a government that is more capable of leading us past our current challenges and taking care of those in need. They tell me that the people expect a government that can lead this country into a new generation and a government that is steadfast in protecting this country’s sovereignty.

我說過,從今天起,就是改革的第一里路。這些託付,將會是我推動改革的最大後盾。我承諾,2月1 號就職的新國會、以及5月20號上任的新政府,都會把實現這些期待,當作最重要的使命。

Today represents the first kilometer in our road to reform. The responsibility that has been entrusted to us is the strongest measure of support for my future reforms. I promise: the new legislature that will take office on February 1 and the new government that will take office on May 20 will turn these expectations into reality as a matter of the highest priority.


We have to also be candid in saying that reform will not happen in one day. And the challenges that Taiwan faces will not immediately disappear. But in the four years ahead, I will do everything I can to realize my promises: to turn Taiwan into a more advanced country, engage in the necessary development of our infrastructure, and fix the policy failures of the past. I will rebuild the people’s trust in government and create a stable foundation for Taiwan’s future development.


On behalf of the Taiwanese people, I would also like to use this opportunity to thank our international friends, including the U.S., Japan, and other countries, for their support towards Taiwan’s democratic election. As part of international society, Taiwan is willing to participate in international cooperation efforts, sharing the same benefits and shouldering the same responsibilities as our partners from around the world. We will also greatly contribute towards peace and stability in the region.

在這場選戰中,我曾經多次承諾,將會建立具有一致性、可預 測性、可持續的兩岸關係。做為中華民國第14任總統當選人,我要在此重申,今年5月20日新政府執政之後,將以中華民國現行憲政體制、兩岸協商交流互動的 成果、以及民主原則與普遍民意,做為推動兩岸關係的基礎。我也會秉持超越黨派的立場,遵循台灣最新的民意和最大的共識,致力確保海峽兩岸關係維持和平穩定 的現狀,以創造台灣人民的最大利益和福祉。

During this election, I had promised on many occasions, that I will build a consistent, predictable, and sustainable cross-strait relationship. As the 14th president-elect of the Republic of China, I reaffirm that after my new administration takes office on May 20, the Republic of China constitutional order, the results of cross-strait negotiations, interactions and exchanges, and democratic principles and the will of the Taiwanese people, will become the foundation for future cross-strait relations. My position will move past partisan politics. Following the will and consensus of the Taiwanese people, we will work to maintain the status quo for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, in order to bring the greatest benefits and well-being to the Taiwanese people.

我也要 強調,兩岸都有責任盡最大努力,尋求一個對等尊嚴、彼此都能夠接受的互動之道,確保沒有挑釁,也沒有意外。今天選舉的結果,是台灣民意的展現,中華民國做 為一個民主國家,是2300萬台灣人民的共同堅持,我們的民主制度、國家認同、與國際空間,必須被充分尊重,任何的打壓,都會破壞兩岸關係的穩定。

I also want to emphasize that both sides of the strait have a responsibility to find mutually acceptable means of interaction that are based on dignity and reciprocity. We must ensure that no provocations or accidents take place. The results of today’s election showcases the will of the Taiwanese people. It is the shared resolve of Taiwan’s 23 million people that the Republic of China is a democratic country. Our democratic system, national identity, and international space must be respected. Any forms of suppression will harm the stability of cross-strait relations.


Finally, I want to emphasize that I have an important responsibility and that is to strengthen the unity of this country.


Over the past few days, we have seen news that has shaken Taiwanese society. An entertainer – a young 16 year old girl – working in South Korea – recently attracted opposition after she was filmed holding the Republic of China flag. This incident has angered many Taiwanese people, regardless of their political affiliation.


This particular incident will serve as a constant reminder to me about the importance of our country’s strength and unity to those outside our borders. This will be one of the most important responsibilities for me as the next president of the Republic of China.


Taiwan has many challenges ahead, both from outside and inside the country. This election is now over and that brings to an end the conflicts and friction of the election campaign. I will march forward together with the 23 million people of Taiwan. Together, we will overcome the challenges that this country faces. We will not be divided by an election. Instead, we will become even more united because of our democracy.


Thank you everybody.


CNN reporter: Congratulations Dr. Tsai. It’s fair to say that everyone who voted for you today is very proud of Taiwan today. And it is very fair to say that for many people who voted for you today, they want to be able to have the freedom to hold and to wave their Taiwan flag anywhere in the world without fear. So as the next president of Taiwan, what do you plan to do to assert Taiwan’s identity on the world’s stage?

A1我想我已經有大致回應過這個問題,但我願意重新再講一次,台灣最重要的是要能夠團結,讓這個國家更強大, 不論是經濟、社會或是政治各方面都是可以是變成更強大的國家。只有變得更強壯的情況下,我們才會得到更多人對我們的尊敬,也因為告訴我們的民主的生活方 式,最重要的是這幾天的事件,讓台灣人民深刻的體驗,揮舞國旗表達對國家的認同,是一件國民應該有的權利,或是應該有的認知,是一件非常正當的事情,應該 得到所有國際間的朋友認同。國人也好,國際也好,大家都能尊重,更是作為中華民國國民應該有的權利。 做一個國家領導人這是必要的責任,也是國家的最大公約數,不論是在國家認同的問題上,還是台灣主權的問題上,越這樣子我們才越能夠團結,只有團結台灣才會 進步。

Q2蔡主席參選以來提出很多的政策,現在台灣的年輕人最在意低薪的問題,再來是買不起房子的問題,在產業困境 上,也面對紅色供應鏈崛起或是東協的威脅,你認為現階段台灣的閣揆需要具備怎樣的條件,您的想像是什麼?最常被提的是學者內閣,這是您對對內閣的樣貌嗎? 另外馬總統剛剛傳出來,會提出多數黨組閣,可不可以回應這個問題?

A2我相信台灣現在所面對的挑戰真的非常多,也非常嚴峻,所以將來政府形成團隊的領導人,必須有幾個重要的特 質,第一個是他必須有政治領導的能力。第二個,他必須要有經驗。第三,必須有專業的能力,這樣才能夠領導一個龐大且有能力的團隊,來針對台灣現在的每一個 挑戰,進行我們所必須要進行的改革,所以將來的行政團隊,要求的是一個專業、有經驗、有效率的行政團隊,行政團隊的領導人,必須要有政治領導能力。 對於剛剛講到多數黨組閣的這個議題,朱主席在競選的過程中有拋出來的這個議題,我們也看到很多憲法學者提出了很多的意見,這代表這樣的主張是有很大的憲政 爭議,而國家體制的實踐,不應該建立在一個有爭議的議題上面,這個問題,我的立場來看,必須要回到修憲的程序上去做。 我們也擔心這樣的作法,有可能會導致權責不清,甚至也會因此更加的混亂,我相信不是人民所樂見的。身為總統當選人,我會尊重馬總統在最後任期的職權,馬總 統如果關心這段時間政局的穩定和政府的運作,他應該要任命一個稱職的看守內閣,這個內閣應該要謹守分際,尊重國會的新民意,而且要與各政黨保持密切溝通和 協調,確保交接過程的政局的平穩,這才是我們最希望看到的安排,我們也希望看到看守內閣,他的政策能夠符合新的民意。

Q3華爾街日報記者:恭喜蔡博士。我是華爾街日報的大衛菲和。近幾年美國政府時而不掩飾對貴黨的立場的質疑或反對。您今晚對美國政府所要傳遞的訊息為何?您又想從華府得到甚麼樣的訊息? 接著,您計畫推行哪些具體的改革以爭取加入TPP? 舉例來說,您是否會推動美豬進口?

Wall Street Journal: Congratulations Dr. Tsai, David Feith from the Wall Street Journal. In recent years the United States government has sometimes made it known that it had concerns or disagreements with your party’s position. What is your message tonight to the United States government? What message do you hope to hear from Washington? And related to that, what specific reforms do you plan to pursue in order to earn a spot in the transpacific partnership trade deal. Would you, for example, push for the import of pork from the United States?

A3在過去的一段時間我們跟美國政府的溝通的情況非常的良好,如果有任何需要溝通的我們都會用立即、有效的溝 通機制,我們希望能夠繼續有效而且即時的這種溝通機制,所以我相信一個關係的維持,尤其是跟美國關係的維持,最重要的還是好的、有效的、即時的溝通,這個 事情是我們會持續來做的事情。 對於加入TPP,其實牽涉到台灣現在的所有經濟或貿易的相關法規跟制度,需要全面性的檢討跟改革,所以要做的事情這麼多,我們一面會進行相關改革,另外一 方面也會持續加強相關產業的競爭力,同時也會對於人民非常在意的食品安全問題有一個有效而且嚴格執行的食品安全管理機制。 我們預計 TPP的談判將會進行相當長的時間,而且也會牽涉到很多複雜的議題,但是在這個過程當中我們將會加速國內產業的升級跟改革,跟食品安全制度的建立。最重要 的是,任何的對外談判都必須要跟國內的各部門有良好的溝通,尤其是要跟社會大眾做良好的溝通,我們對外的談判維持透明、公開。


A4我們在選舉的時候提到五大政治改革,也提到五大社會安定計畫,也更提到五大產業創新研發計畫,這些計畫都 需要很多的法規修正也好,或者是立法的處理。所以我們現在會加速把相關的立法都整理出來,讓他們能夠在最短的時間內進入立法院來審查。另外一方面,對於需 要進行的這些國會改革的事宜,其實誰做黨主席都不是最重要的,最重要的是我們可以搭建一個平台,讓不同的政黨在國會的都可以坐下來談一談,讓這些改革的議 題在立法院持續的被討論,而且在最短的時間內開始。


A5關於東海的問題,我們一再的說過,釣魚台主權是屬於台灣,但是我們跟日本之間的關係,我們也非常重視,我 們也不希望因為這個主權上的爭議去影響到雙邊關係的發展,雖然我們在主權上或許有一些爭議的存在,但是我們還是會持續地來強化與日本的關係,這個關係當然 包括經濟、安全,還有很多文化等各層面的這種持續的合作跟交流。另外,在南海部分,也是一樣,我們在南海的一些島嶼,我們主張我們的主權,但是我們也會依 照國際法,尤其是聯合國的海洋公約來處理相關主權的主張,我們贊成必須要確保南海資源跟飛越的自由,也反對任何引起緊張升高的行為,我們也希望南海問題能 夠和平地解決。


A6我非常理解台灣的人民對這四個月的交接期,是非常關心這個交接期的穩定,我們會在最短的時間請其他的政黨 大家一起來會商,來共同維持選後四個月的穩定,民進黨也會以最快的速度,在立法院制定《卸任總統交接條例》,這段時間,看守政府應該要嚴守分際,尊重國會 新民意,我也會立即組成交接小組,建立和現在執政的政府之間重大政策協調的機制。

